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Why teach about the Holocaust?

Year: 2013 | Published by: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

This short introduction provides an essential overview on education about the Holocaust that can support educators, students and policymakers alike …

Mosquito Bites – Small bites, big threat

Year: 2014 | Published by: GOAL Ireland

This short primary schools resource explores the theme of malaria, explaining what malaria is and how it is a health …

Biladi: Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon: a photopack

Year: 2006 | Published by: Palestinian Human Rights Organisation

This photopack uses photographs, facts, two case studies and a human rights education approach to understanding the situation of Palestinian …

Connecting Communities – a practical guide to using development education in community settings

Year: 2005 | Published by: Lourdes Youth & Community Services (LYCS)

With 10 ready-made workshops, this ‘how to’ handbook has been designed for use with groups seeking to explore both local and …

Trade Unions and Development Cooperation

Year: 2008 | Published by: Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU)

This 20-page briefing resource – from the ICTU’s Global Solidarity project – is designed to show how we can work …

About Me About Us: Celebrating Diversity in Co. Monaghan Schools

Year: 2011 | Published by: Monaghan Education Centre

Online interactive resource focused on encouraging students to exploring identity and diversity in the context of self, others and their …

Counted Out: Challenging Poverty and Social Exclusion

Year: 2002 | Published by: Folens

Resource focused on issues of stereotyping and labelling, poverty, rights, community, international poverty, credit unions and self-help groups, action projects. …

Making a Difference – 3rd edition

Year: 2011 | Published by: Folens

A formal Civic, Social and Political Education resource for teaching at Junior Cycle level that focuses on the 7 key CSPE …

Global and Justice Perspectives in the Classroom: A literature Review

Year: 2005 | Published by: Development & Intercultural Education (DICE)

A review of Irish and international literature that focuses on Development and Intercultural Education from a global and justice perspective.

Food Security and Food Sovereignty: An abundance of Food but Not Enough to Eat

Year: 2009 | Published by: Latin American Solidarity Centre (LASC)

This online guide focuses on the theme of food sovereignty in Latin America and its links to Ireland.

Sustainable Living Programme

Year: 2009 | Published by: Union of Presentation Sisters

A programme developed by the Union of Presentation Sisters that focuses on sustainable living and how we can respond to …

Africa Regions Series – Central Africa, East Africa, North Africa and South Africa

Year: 2012 | Published by: Africa Centre

A set of on-line downloadable educational resources and maps that explore the African continent based on region.

Accounting for Justice: a facilitator’s guide to Global Tax Justice

Year: 2013 | Published by: Debt and Development Coalition Ireland

This resource provides a guide to facilitators to support learning about the role of taxation in society and the relationships …

ThinkB4UClick: empowering students to be effective, autonomous and safe users of new media

Year: 2010 | Published by: The National Centre for Technology in Education

This resource has been specifically designed for teachers of Junior Certificate CSPE who wish to explore the issue of online …

Learning to Read the World: Teaching and Learning about Global Citizenship and International Development in Post-Primary Schools

Year: 2011 | Published by: Irish Aid

An overview and critical assessment of curriculum-focused development education in the Republic of Ireland based on extensive data sources from …

Advocacy: Capacity Development for Youth Groups (Training Guide)

Year: 2010 | Published by: Plan West Africa

This resource supports youth clubs and youth capacity development in the area of advocacy.

Transitions in Development

Year: 2010 | Published by: Kerry Action on Development Education (KADE)

An educational resource for Transition Year produced by the Kerry Action for Development Education, to assist teachers and other educators …

Equality in Second-level Schools: A Training Manual for Educators and Trainers

Year: 2014 | Published by: The Equality Authority

This resource is based on training delivered to second-level teachers. The training manual is designed to support second-level teachers and …

Development Education in Theory and Practice: An educator’s resource

Year: 2016 | Published by: UNIDEV

This publication has been produced to provide a new teaching resource for academics and educators active in the field of …

Challenging Perspectives: Teaching globalisation and diversity in the knowledge society

Year: 2008 | Published by: Irish Aid

This resource is a collection of essays from expert contributors in which the fundamentals of teaching globalisation in the classroom …