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53 Resources found

#BeyondTheClick: a teaching toolkit exploring Global Digital Citizenship

Year: 2018 | Published by: 80:20 Educating and Acting for a Better World

#BeyondTheClick is a development education toolkit for educators that supports exploration of digital landscapes and tools (social media, digital tools …

The My2050 Schools Toolkit

Year: 2012 | Published by: Department of Energy and Climate Change, UK

The first section of this resource provides background to climate change, curriculum links and learning outcomes for students.The second section …

Forced To Flee ‘This is our exodus’ Trócaire and Poetry Ireland Poetry Competition 2016

Year: 2016 | Published by: Poetry Ireland, Trócaire

Adult Published Poets 1st: ‘Cast away’Joint Runner Up:’Nature’s Refuge’ ‘The Mountain of Butterflies’Adult Non-Published Poets1st: ‘Unto Me is the Journeying’Joint …

The Info-activism How-to Guide

Year: | Published by: Tactical Tech Collective

The Info-Activism How-To Guide is structured around three levels of outcomes that campaigners intend for campaigns:to raise awareness about an …

Global agreements, grassroots and advocacy – youth and governance in a post 2015 world

Year: 2015 | Published by: Action Aid, British Youth Council, Plan UK, Restless Development

This resource covers a lot of information in a readable and youth friendly way. At the beginning of the document …

The Common Cause Handbook

Year: 2011 | Published by: Public Interest Research Centre

This handbook is a well designed and readable resource. The topic is covered in depth with excellent graphics through out. …

Divestment Creative Action Manual

Year: 2014 | Published by: Fossil Free

This Divestment Creative Action Manual contains a number of sample actions which can be taken as part of the overall …

World’s Largest Lesson

Year: 2016 | Published by: Project Everyone

The website contains an introduction to the Global Goals, background information on each Goal, lesson plans, animations, all of which …

Global Goals (app)

Year: 2015 | Published by: Cinime Apps Limited

This app shows you the impact you are making on your audience, so you can see how your contributions are …

The Info-Activism How-To Guide: Strategies and tools for digital campaigning

Year: 2014 | Published by: Tactical Tech Collective

The Info-Activism How-To Guide is structured around three levels of outcomes that campaigners intend for campaigns:to raise awareness about an …

From Volunteers to Active Citizens

Year: 2015 | Published by: Alianza por la Solidaridad, Comhlámh, Deineta, GVC Italia, Inex-SDA, Volunteurope, Zavod Voluntariat

The resource was produced in order to pool the collective knowledge and experiences of the participating organisations, gleaned from their …

Activist Toolkit: climate justice campaign

Year: 2014 | Published by: Trócaire

“Climate change is the greatest injustice of our time. The people who are doing least to cause it are suffering …

Climate Change, Climate Justice: Lent 2015 education resource packs for schools

Year: 2015 | Published by: Trócaire

Ethiopia is the focus country for the Trócaire’s 2015 education campaign during Lent and explores how climate change impacts on …

Raghava KK: One Of The Most Remarkable People In The World

Year: 2012 | Published by: TED

TEDxGateway: Raghava KK is a celebrated renowned Indian artist. CNN named him one of 10 remarkable people the world is yet …

Wangari Maathai: Money Alone Won’t Help Africa

Year: 2009 | Published by: Fora TV

Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai, founder of the Kenyan Green Belt Movement argues that well-intentioned aid to Africa may have unexpected …

Through the Looking Glass: a guide to empower young people to become advocates for gender equality

Year: 2014 | Published by: National Women’s Council of Ireland (NWCI)

There has not historically been a strong focus on gender and gender stereotyping as a key contributor to the difficulties …

Making your case! Advocacy toolkit on Development Education and Awareness Raising

Year: 2012 | Published by: Developing Europeans’ Engagement for the Eradication of Global Poverty (DEEEP)

Wondering how to make the case for development education and awareness raising in a context when public spending is under …

Where is our 10 per cent?

Year: 2014 | Published by: GROW, Oxfam

African artists are calling on the African Heads of State to keep their promises and invest at least 10% of …

A thousand times no

Year: 2013 | Published by: TED

Art historian Bahia Shehab has long been fascinated with the Arabic script for ‘no.’ When revolution swept through Egypt in …

Be The Change: a toolkit for taking action against poverty and injustice

Year: 2013 | Published by: Comhlámh

A resource produced for individuals and groups interested in a ‘how to’ guide to campaigning and changemaking. An activist toolkit …