Search Results for: zero hunger/register – Page 5

Making Every Drop Count

“Water is essential for life, health and human dignity – our water supply around the world is not shared equally” The pack sets out to foster an appreciation of the ways in which people use this precious resource, and to appreciate the need to conserve water and to recognise and

Global food – waste not, want not

This document examines the problem of food wastage, and its impact on the global food demand. This document examines the topics of responsible and sustainable land, water and energy consumption and their impact on food waste, and makes recommendations for tackling the issue of global food waste.

Múinteoir Domhanda

Is acmhainn teagaisc thraschuraclaim é seo maidir le forbairt dhomhanda le haghaidh daltaí idirbhliana as Gaeilge. Cuimsíonn cuid 1 den acmhainn ceachtanna bunaithe ar 5 théama trína bpléitear saincheisteanna forbartha domhanda i dtíortha comhpháirteacha Chúnamh Éireann. Cuimsíonn cuid 2 den acmhainn gníomhaíochtaí réamhléiritheacha gairide ar fhorbairt dhomhanda. (Ní bhaineann an

Drought and Migration in Ethiopia – Updated edition

Drought and Migration in Ethiopia is an educational resource which uses the methodology of process drama to enable children to learn, through imagined experience, about life in Ethiopia. The resource includes a scheme of work which contains five lesson plans. These lessons are designed to last an hour each utilise a

Triomach agus Imirce san Aetóip

Is acmhainn oideachais é Triomach agus Imirce san Aetóip a úsáideann modheolaíocht na drámaíochta próisis chun a chur ar chumas leanaí foghlaim (as Gaeilge), trí thaithí shamhlaithe, faoin saol san Aetóip. Cuimsíonn an acmhainn scéim oibre ina bhfuil cúig phlean ceachta. Tá na ceachtanna seo: deartha chun go mairfidh sé

One World Our World (2019 edition)

“In One World, Our World children from Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique, which are all in Africa, and Vietnam, which is in Asia, tell us about the amazing wildlife, landscapes and food in their countries, and they tell us the stories of their lives, the things that make them happy

GOAL Changemakers Resources

GOAL have made their Changemakers programme accessible and easy to use. You can choose from any of the following ways to participate, in English or as Gaeilge: Changemakers Lessons: Curriculum-linked, classroom-ready resources are available for 1st – 6th classes. You and your pupils will be guided through our Changemakers programme

Fighting a locust plague amid Covid-19 in east Africa

The recent coronavirus pandemic is only exacerbating the problems currently facing herders, also known as pastoralists, in Kenya. They’ve seen their livestock devastated and crops destroyed after the worst locust invasions in 70 years and villagers are bracing themselves for another swarm, 400 times larger if left unchecked.  With less

Action on Community Transformation Community Toolkit

GAP’s toolkit ‘Action for Community Transformation ’ introduces a programme based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, whereby together, through active, transformational learning, the interconnected nature of poverty, inequality and climate change, and imagine new solutions is explored. The core focus of this toolkit is to help communities to

Helping Hands: A Development Education Resource for Early Childhood Education

These resources introduce two young children, Nomatter and Forward who live in a small village in Zimbabwe. It explores their daily lives, as well as the challenges they and their family face against a backdrop of food insecurity, climate change and Covid-19. The Helping Hands resources are linked to the

A Better Tomorrow: Religious Education Resource for Children

This resource has been designed for children who are attending primary school. It can be used in the classroom by primary school teachers, as part of a children’s liturgy group or family mass group. This resource includes: 4 lesson plans links to the Catholic Pre-school and Primary Religious Education Curriculum

Harvest for the Future – board game (primary level)

Aim of the game: You are a small farmer in rural Africa. You must purchase, plant, grow, harvest and sell your crops at the market before the time runs out and the season is over. This game includes playable cards, action squares and game components and instructions. The game will